Takeover create volunteering opportunities for young people aged 14-24  to reach their creative potential. With the ambition of providing skilled new entrants to the cultural sectors, Takeover engages young people in communities from across Ashfield & Mansfield, industry experts and creative associates from across the country.

Here we share our latest information about Takeover and how you can get involved if you are a partner, local business, school, college learning setting or as a young person. We have everything you need to know.


Takeover is open to anyone 14 plus from Mansfield & Ashfield to join us to be part of an ongoing arts and creative volunteering and skills development programme. Young People will take part in an intensive arts and cultural training  programme which includes:

Training and skills workshops, online mentoring, challenge-work experience, go and see trips, entrepreneurial skills, future career and education advice.

Takeover Volunteer Team Photo


Following the success of our DCMS-funded volunteering programme, Takeover, we are excited to announce the next stage of the programme, Changemakers!

Takeover engaged over 200 young people in producing cultural events for their communities, with our last event attracting over 1600 people in Mansfield. This programme has gained national recognition from DCMS and ACE and we are due to publish the programme's positive impact in a report conducted by NTU shortly. 

While the original Takeover format will continue with new cohorts starting in 2025, Changemakers will allow previous participants to further develop their skills and gain experience in local creative industries.

Our first Changemakers course will partner with Portland College, whose original Takeover project created an immersive pirates event for local children and was supported by our partners First Art & Nonsuch. Each work placement will be bespoke to the young person & organisation. Captivate, Portland College, and host organisations will collaborate to create these customised placements.